Diseases and Conditions

Childhood asthma

Coping and support

It can be stressful to help your child manage asthma. Keep these tips in mind to make life as normal as possible:

  • Make treatment a regular part of life. If your child has to take daily medication, don't make a big deal out of it — it should be as routine as eating breakfast or brushing teeth.
  • Use a written asthma action plan. Work with your child's doctor to develop your child's action plan, and give a copy to all of your child's caregivers, such as child care providers, teachers, coaches and the parents of your child's friends.

    Following a written plan can help you and your child identify symptoms early, providing important information on how to treat your child's asthma from day to day and how to deal with an asthma attack.

  • Be encouraging. Focus attention on what your child can do, not on limitations. Involve teachers, school nurses, coaches, relatives and friends in helping your child manage asthma.

    Encourage normal play and activity. Don't limit your child's activities out of fear of an asthma attack — work with your child's doctor to control exercise-induced symptoms.

  • Be calm and in control. Don't get rattled if asthma symptoms worsen. Focus on your child's asthma action plan, and involve your child in each step so that he or she understands what's happening.
  • Talk to other parents of children with asthma. Chat rooms and message boards on the internet or a local support group can connect you with parents facing similar challenges.
  • Help your child connect with others who have asthma. Send your child to "asthma camp" or find other organized activities for children with asthma. This can help your child feel less isolated and gain a better understanding of asthma and its treatment.